You’re getting married! Perhaps the proposal was at some romantic spot, with lovely words, flowers, candles… Perhaps during a holiday on a beach, or maybe on ‘your date’ somewhere on a mountain. Or maybe ‘just at home’. However, it was your moment together! Your wish to build a future together!
Overwhelming amount of ideas
And after that personal, happy moment, of course you want to tell the world you’re engaged! And start planning! You check out Pinterest, you find all the bridal magazines in the kiosk. And as soon as you announce the wedding, you will get suggestions and ideas from your parents, family and friends. Good advise, ideas, do’s and don’ts are all over the place. It can be overwhelming.
Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with finding inspiration. Pinterest, Google, magazines, all good for tips and trics. But don’t forget where it started…. with the two of you… the dream of building a future together, to celebrate your love.
A wedding is not a contest to get the perfect picture. It is not about how ‘the day is supposed to be, because it has always been like that’… A wedding is about celebrating the love between two people.
Choose what is important for you
Your wedding should be a reflexion of who you two are and what is important to you. Atmosphere, guests, venue. Talk about that together and make a plan. And get back to those ideas during the period of preparations; are you still on the right track? This is to avoid to get distracted by photos and ideas of ‘how it should be’ or how others do it… No, if those pictures and ideas don’t match the plan you made together, then don’t! Can you? Yes, because it is your wedding so that means you decide what it should be like.
Make it personal
And if you want to have a complete different wedding, like a destination wedding in France, call me! We discuss what you prefer, what is important to you and we make a personalised plan for the wedding. As a planner it is my job to let you enjoy the preparations and to avoid you get lost in all the options. I make sure your wedding will be your most beautiful, personal day, including the details that are important to you. Your wedding is your day ! It should be about being together with your loved ones, celebrating your love, with emotions and real stories. Not about copying perfect pictures or doing what someone else thinks is right. And you will get there, if you stick to yourself and your own plan!